
  • [ 원격강의 ] 통역학과 합격자 선행학습(소수정예)


    • 선생님박영훈
    • 수강료224000
    • 교재%book_member_amount%


  • - 통대 입학 전 실제 대학원 공부 내용을 선행하여 학습하는 수업
    - 15명 소수 정예/ 현직 최고 통역사의 1:1 밀착 학습 관리 제공
    - 2개월 완성


  • - 통번역대학원 합격생 및 재학생

    - 현직통역사

    - 미국에서 활동중인 현직 최고 통역사의 실전 통역 기술 전수

    - 통번역대학원의 실제 통역 강의에서 다루는 주제와 난이도로 수업을 경험해 볼 수 있는 강의
    - 15명 소수정예로 통번역대학원에서는 불가능한 1:1 밀착 학습 관리
    - 연설문 / 보고서를 사용한 영한순차 / 한영순차 연습
    - 수강생 발표 위주 학습
    - 통번역대학원에서 앞서 나가기 위한 통역 학습 계획 제시




    Course Name: Pre-GSIT Course

    Instructor(s):            Francisco Park 

    Email:                         seviyorum1003@hotmail.com

    Prerequisites  and/or co- requisites:   An enrolled student must have passed the entrance  exam of the Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation (GSIT) of Hankuk  University of Foreign Studies or that of other major universities in Korea         


    Course Description: 

    This course is designed to help students to develop their basic skills in consecutive interpreting in a variety of subject matters to be prepared for a graduate program of interpretation and translation studies.

    Throughout the course, students will be required to do an extensive amount of research on a given topic and hold group-practice sessions on a regular basis. Students will familiarize themselves with government agencies and various international organizations and will make a strenuous effort to bring their linguistic and interpreting skills up to par with those of the professional interpreters working at government agencies or international organizations. 


    As for teaching materials, a variety of authentic materials such as speeches and interviews will be used for class activities.  


    The instructor will employ various teaching methods and demonstrate flexibility in adapting to students’ needs as he sees fit to do so. Thus, each lesson plan will be based on the progress and areas for improvement of each student in order to maximize students’ learning as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of class instruction.



    Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes: 



    Upon completing this eight-week course 

    1. Students will have acquired basic skills in  consecutive interpreting.     
    2. Students will have learned and internalized a significant  amount of new expressions and thematically-based terminologies.     
    3. Students will be able to interpret speeches  and interviews in a more efficient and effective manner through better  word choices and expressions.








    Newspapers: The New York Times  

    Magazines: The Economist, Foreign Affairs 


    Audiovisual materials: The U.S. Department of State, The U.S Department of Defense,  

                                         The White House, The United Nations. UNESCO, WTO, WHO,  

                                         UNHCR and more






    1. Students must read assignment  materials.     
    2. Student must do an extensive amount  of research on a given topic.     
    3. Students will memorize speeches



    Course Schedule:






      Special Note


      January 05/07



      Week 1



      Topic: Summit for  Democracy

      1. Course introduction
      2. Conference expressions
      3. Warm-up session
      4. Brainstorming
      5. Intro to Summit for Democracy
      6. Speech & interview by President Biden  and more 

      Homework for next  class:
      1. Do research on next week’s topic
      2.  Read the assigned material
      3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
      4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions                          

      January 12/14



      Week 2



      Topic: COVID-19


      (State Affairs)            




      1. Homework check
      2. Conference expressions
      3.  Intro to COVID-19
      4. Brainstorming
      5. Speech & interview by TBD

      Homework for next  class:
      1. Do research on next week’s topic
      2.  Read the assigned material
      3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
      4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions 

      January 19/21



      Week 3



      Topic: US-China relations             





      1. Homework check
      2. Conference expressions
      3. Intro to US-China relations
      4. Brainstorming
      5. Speech & interview by TBD

      Homework for next  class:
      1. Do research on next week’s topic
      2.  Read the assigned material
      3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
      4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions 


        January 26/28



        Week 4


        Topic: North Korea

        1. Homework Check
        2. Conference expressions
        3. Intro to North Korea
        4. Brainstorming
        5. Speech & interview by TBD                    

        Homework for next  class:
        1. Do research on next week’s topic
        2.  Read the assigned material
        3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
        4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions                          

        February 02/04



        Week 5      


        Topic: TBD



        1. Homework Check
        2. Conference expressions
        3. Intro to TBD
        4. Brainstorming
        5. Speech & interview by TBD                     

        Homework for next  class:

        1. Do research on next week’s topic
        2.  Read the assigned material
        3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
        4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions                        

        February 09/11



        Week 6                     


        Topic: TBD

        1. Homework check
        2. Conference expressions
        3. Intro to TBD
        4. Brainstorming
        5. Speech & interview by TBD 



        Homework for next  class:    

        1. Do research on next week’s topic 
        2. Read the assigned material
        3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
        4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions

        February 16/18



        Week 7


        Topic: TBD               

        1. Homework Check
        2. Conference expressions
        3. Intro to TBD
        4. Brainstorming
        5.  Speech & interview by TBD

        Homework for next  class:
        1. Do research on next week’s topic
        2.  Read the assigned material
        3. Memorize new lexical items covered in  class
        4. Memorize the assigned conference  expressions                    

          February 23/25



          Week 8





        • 박영훈
          선생님소개를 한눈에 표시
          강의 특징
          담당 강의

        연관 온라인강의

        강의명 수강기간 수강료
        강좌가 없습니다.
        선택 수강기간 선생님명
        • 수강료 :
        • 224000 정가 : 280000 20%할인
